Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sacred and profane knit by arcades

The Accenture building is always a delight. The daisies were in the planter. The second shot shows the barrel vaulted arcades around the skyway level. I am reading about the evolution of sacred architecture from the ancient fire altars to the medieval cathedral. The introduction of arcades allowed walking in contemplation around the nave, a micro-pigrimage. In many sacred buildings these arcades were taken over by vendors, money-changers, etc. There is a fascinating spiral of sacred and profane running through the history of arcades. Original planning documents for the skyways indicated that a lot more of the arcade business was envisioned for the city than has actually occurred.
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1 comment:

Lyletrainer said...

I think the Accenture Building is great too -- The fountain, the underused seating area, even the floors and walls.