Thursday, January 6, 2011

The skyways from afar

This was the view of downtown from Main Street last Thursday, when I was last well enough to leave the house. Went down to the Aster Cafe to meet my son and his friend for conversation. Ended up in the middle of a Hootenanny, that included a folk song about lynchings in elementary school yards in Duluth. I think standing in the snow to take this shot contributed to my getting the flu, but it might have been guilt induced by the entertainment, or the loudness, that weakened my immune system.

So, this isn't particulalry charming, is it? Kind of dumpy, foggy looking view of a beautiful city on a legendary river. Sorry about that. I will be feeling better soon. Remind me to tell you about the rain in San Diego. Historic. Floods. The word "ark" was trending in the local twitter stream...
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Ah, welcome back

I haven't actually been downtown going on three weeks now. I was in rainy, cold California for a while, then holed up with the flu here in Bloomington. Rummaging through some recent stuff I came across this shot of the Energy Center from the Government Center skyway. It seemed to be a good icon of winter downtown. Seems to be something kind of Exodusy about know, the pillar of smoke by day, the pillar of fire by night, leading the Israelites around for 40 years in the wilderness. This has been my smoke/fire pillar for 30 years, and it hasn't moved, and it's still a wilderness.
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