Thursday, March 3, 2011

Seeing the unseen, working for the invisible, participating in the second world

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi from timo on Vimeo.

I don't usually (ever?) post other people's videos or graphics but this is so freakin' beautiful conceptually and in rendering that it needs to be seen by everyone who has ever dreamed of seeing the invisible forces and frequencies that permeate our built environment.

...for the limits, to which our thoughts are confin'd, are small in respect of the vast extent of Nature it self; some parts of it are too large to be comprehended, and some too little to be perceived. And from thence it must follow, that not having a full sensation of the Object, we must be very lame and imperfect in our conceptions about it, and in all the proportions which we build upon it; hence, we often take the shadow of things for the substance, small appearances for good similitudes, similitudes for definitions; and even many of those, which we think, to be the most solid definitions, are rather expressions of our own misguided apprehensions then of the true nature of the things themselves.

The effects of these imperfections are manifested in different ways, according to the temper and disposition of the several minds of men, some they incline to gross ignorance and stupidity, and others to a presumptuous imposing on other mens Opinions, and a confident dogmatizing on matters, whereof there it no assurance to be given.
- Robert Hooke, from the preface to Micrographia, 1664

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